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Phil , al , fe

Alex, Philipp, and Felix, collectively known as The Troubled Trio, are the adoptive triplet sons of Dexter Might and Blanket Featherbed.


Alex: Alex is a spirited and independent individual who sometimes struggles with expressing his emotions appropriately. While he may come across as bratty or annoying at times, it is often a result of his desire for attention or a need to be heard. Deep down, Alex yearns for acceptance and understanding from his peers.

Philpp: Philipp is a sensitive and introspective character who prefers peaceful resolutions over confrontation. He may appear shy and reserved, but his quiet nature does not make him weak. Philipp's empathy and compassion for others are his greatest strengths, and he often finds solace in the beauty of the world around him.

Felix: Felix is a loyal friend who stands by Philipp's side, providing unwavering support and friendship. He values the bond they share and acts as a pillar of strength for Philipp. Despite not being biological brothers, Felix and Philipp have formed a deep connection based on mutual respect and understanding.



  • Illusion Manipulation: Alex has the ability to create convincing illusions, which he can use to distract and confuse opponents during battles.
  • Persuasive Charm: Alex possesses a charismatic aura that allows him to influence others and sway their opinions, making him skilled at negotiation and diplomacy.
  • Quick Reflexes: Alex's agility and quick reflexes enable him to dodge attacks swiftly and react effectively in combat situations.


  • Empathic Healing: Philipp has a natural gift for healing others using his empathic abilities. He can sense and alleviate emotional and physical pain, bringing comfort and solace to his teammates.
  • Intuitive Insight: Philipp possesses an innate understanding of others' motivations and emotions, allowing him to provide valuable guidance and advice to his teammates.
  • Protective Barrier: Philipp can create protective energy barriers to shield himself and his allies from harm, providing a defensive advantage during battles.


  • Animal Communication: Felix has the extraordinary ability to communicate with and understand animals. He can enlist their help during missions, gaining allies and gathering valuable information.
  • Enhanced Senses: Felix's senses are heightened beyond normal capabilities, allowing him to detect dangers or hidden objects with remarkable accuracy.
  • Energetic Amplification: Felix can enhance the abilities of his teammates by channeling and amplifying their energy, boosting their powers and providing a temporary boost in strength.


Lima Beans


