Lalaloopsy League of Heroes Wiki

Velvet B. Mine is one of the heroes in Lalaloopsy: League of Heroes.

Her hero name is "Heartwoven".


Velvet, known for her warm and caring nature, brings the power of friendship and sweetness to the world of Lalaloopsy League of Heroes. As one of Lalaloopsy Land's biggest sweethearts, Velvet delights in bringing friends together with her thoughtful gestures, heartfelt cards, and delicious treats.

With her radiant smile and kind-hearted spirit, Velvet spreads love and joy wherever she goes. Her genuine affection for others helps mend broken relationships and inspire acts of kindness among her fellow Lalaloopsies. She cherishes the power of friendship and believes in the transformative impact it can have on individuals and communities.

Velvet's favorite pastime is crafting heartfelt cards and creating personalized gifts for her friends. She has a knack for finding the perfect words and gestures to express love, gratitude, and encouragement. Her creations often bring smiles and warmth to those who receive them, strengthening the bonds of friendship in Lalaloopsy Land.

When it comes to sweet treats, Velvet's love for chocolate milk is well-known. She savors every sip, especially when she can slurp it joyfully through a straw, adding a touch of whimsy to her enjoyment. Her affection for chocolate milk exemplifies her ability to find delight in simple pleasures and share that joy with others.

In Lalaloopsy League of Heroes, Velvet B. Mine's powers revolve around her ability to enhance friendship and spread love. Her presence uplifts the team, fostering unity, and cooperation. She can inspire acts of kindness and compassion, soothing conflicts and bringing people together.

Velvet's signature move, the "Sweet Harmony," fills the air with a warm and harmonious aura, melting away negativity and fostering understanding among allies. This power helps diffuse tension, strengthen relationships, and create an atmosphere of love and cooperation within the team.

With her caring nature, creative spirit, and devotion to friendship, Velvet B. Mine embodies the power of love and the importance of cherishing the connections we share. Her presence in the Lalaloopsy League of Heroes brings a sense of compassion, unity, and sweetness to their missions, reminding everyone of the profound impact that kindness and friendship can have in making the world a better place.


  • Friendship Empathy: Velvet possesses an innate ability to sense and understand the emotions and needs of others. She can empathize deeply with her friends and teammates, offering comfort, support, and guidance during challenging times. This power allows her to strengthen bonds, resolve conflicts, and foster harmonious relationships within the team.
  • Harmonious Aura: Velvet can emit a soothing and harmonious aura that calms and uplifts those around her. This aura has a positive influence on the emotional state of her allies, promoting unity, cooperation, and a sense of well-being. Her harmonious aura also helps dispel negativity and create an atmosphere of peace and understanding during missions.
  • Sweet Treat Manipulation: Velvet has the ability to conjure and manipulate sweet treats, such as candy, chocolates, and baked goods. She can use these treats to inspire joy, boost morale, or distract enemies. Additionally, she can infuse her treats with positive energy, granting temporary boosts in stamina or mood to her allies when consumed.
  • Heartfelt Communication: Velvet possesses exceptional communication skills, particularly through written and spoken words. She can convey her feelings, thoughts, and intentions with remarkable clarity and warmth. Her words have a profound impact, inspiring hope, fostering understanding, and encouraging teamwork within the Lalaloopsy League of Heroes.
  • Emotional Healing: Velvet has the power to heal emotional wounds and mend broken hearts. Through her caring presence and empathetic nature, she can help her teammates recover from emotional distress, providing comfort and guidance. Her emotional healing abilities bring solace and strength to the team, enabling them to face challenges with renewed resolve.
  • Love's Shield: Velvet can create a protective shield infused with love and affection. This shield acts as a barrier against negative influences, deflecting harmful energies and attacks. It provides a sense of security and fortitude to her allies, boosting their resilience and allowing them to face adversity with confidence.
  • Friendship Fusion: In times of great need or when facing powerful adversaries, Velvet can initiate a Friendship Fusion with her teammates. This ability combines their powers and strengths, amplifying their abilities and creating a formidable force of unity and cooperation. It represents the power of friendship and demonstrates the extraordinary feats that can be achieved when working together.






